Adam Quang

On Air Host / Producer

We ask our favourite Canadian film and fashion personalities to share insights into their careers and the industry.

5 Secrets Revealed! Costume Design for Film & TV with Joanna Syrokomla, the mastermind behind the stunning costumes in the beloved Canadian series, Murdoch Mysteries.


Salvation Army / Thrift Store National Director of Business and Sustainability Tonny Colyn

Klaudia Capalbo: Toronto Regional Director, Fashion Group International (FGI)

Sasha Stoltz: Publicist and Film Production.

Jodi Goodfellow is the founder of Startup Fashion Week: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver


5 Secrets Revealed! Costume Design for Film & TV with Joanna Syrokomla, the mastermind behind the stunning costumes in the beloved Canadian series, Murdoch Mysteries.

Actor: Chase Tang – Netflix’s new supervillain Baryon, in Jupiter’s Legacy.

Actor / Comedian: Margarida Martini on leather and lipstick in rapid fire questions.

Actor: Mathew Edmonds is an award winning actor and singer: Independent Music Award 2019 VOS Pop Award


Susan Langdon has been the executive director and mentor of the Toronto Fashion Incubator since 1994, and is also a recipient of the Order of Canada.

Miss Conception Canadian drag star

Glenn Dixon has been a leading name in the interior design industry since 1999.

Nurjahan Begum the founder of the Progoti label, ethical production.
Michele Tara talk about her transition from fashion photography to designer
Fredsonn Silva Agudá an international fashion stylist and designer.
Juwels LeGardi on what it like to have her 1st runway chocolate fashion show and What inspired her.