Partner Yoga

Adam Quang Partner Yoga Workshop

“Wow. I experienced my first couple yoga and I can say that I’m closer to my partner than ever. It was a new experience and it pushed me harder than doing yoga on my own. I highly recommend this to all couple.” Jen A.

Partner yoga utilizes two people in a yoga pose, both partners mutually receive the benefits, in a safe and supported environment where the the experience fosters trust and strengthens communication, both verbal and non-verbal. Making this one of the best team-building exercises around.

Ideal for any two people and not just for couples.
Co-worker, friend or life partner, LGBTQIA welcome.


Partner Yoga lotus Twist pose - Photo by Max B. Telzerow
Partner Yoga lotus Twist pose – Photo by Max B. Telzerow
  • Helps bring your relationship into balance by fostering trust and strengthening communication
  • Helps build companionship, compassion, intimacy
  • Best team-building exercises
  • Increase personal fitness
  • Participants strengthen emotional bond through the poses, laugh, and work through issues
  • (Therapeutic) Touch is thought to help manage pain
  • Teaches partners how to use touch to guide each other through deeper poses and adjust one another’s form

Click here to pay and RSVP your spot.

5 Tips when partnering up:

Adam Adjusting parner yoga down ward facing dog-Virgin Yoga Workshop
Adam Quang yoga workshop

* Don’t learn from a book, or even solely from this article. Instead, find a class and a qualified instructor to help you learn how to manoeuvre safely through the poses.

* Don’t worry if you’re not experienced with yoga. If you have no experience, don’t be hesitant to partner with someone who does. The practice of partner yoga is completely accessible to all levels of fitness.

* Drop your ego at the door. Listen to your body and do not compete with your partner. Back off when it hurts and relax into the pose when it feels good.

* Protect your knees and spine. The stretches can be deep, so keep communication open with your partner. When performing assisted stretches, learn to use your body weight-not your back-to guide your partner’s body.

* Communicate. Either verbally or non-verbally, communicate during every pose to prevent injury and to get an effective stretch.



What to wear: Comfortable gym clothes, clothes you can move in with enough ease for you to do a lunge or a split with ease and not have your circulation cut off.

More articles:
Partner Yoga and It’s Benefits: layers of happiness
Why Partner Yoga? Elephant Journal

Below is a beautiful video on how “Trust Takes Time, But It’s Worth It” by acrobats in Cirque du Soleil, Alya and Gael literally put their lives in someone else’s hands. That might be scary, but what they’re able to accomplish is amazing. We won’t be doing this in Partner Yoga class but see the possibility and inspirational in the movement.